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[Mustang Evolution]Mustang Vs Mustang: Top Gear Gets It Wrong

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#1 Guest_ROBOT_RSS_*

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Posté 10 March 2008 - 07:50 PM

Image IPBI know, shocking right? The annoying Brits that seem to make it their lives goal to bash on U.S. sports cars have gotten something so obvious, so wrong. In a recent episode, where they pitted a Ford Mustang up against an actual horse, they claimed to be using a GT Mustang, which comes stock with a 4.6v V8 rated at 300 Horsepower. Instead, in the actual video they are using a V6 Mustang, rated at 210 Horsepower. Not only are they using the V6 Mustang but they picked the heaviest V6 Mustang you can possibly buy, a convertible. (more…)

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#2 franckgras


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  • Gender:Male
  • Location:France sud, Orange
  • Interests:mustang, ciné
  • Mustang:Fastback 68 289 2V

Posté 11 March 2008 - 07:16 PM

Ridicule :lol:
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"La théorie c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons réuni theorie et pratique: rien ne fonctionne et personne ne sait pourquoi." Albert Einstein..........

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