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[Mustang Monthly] 1968 Ford Mustang California Special - CJ Special

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#1 Guest_ROBOT_RSS_*

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Posté 10 October 2012 - 04:33 PM

1968 Ford Mustang California Special - CJ Special
Image IPB
One of only three Cobra Jet-powered 1968 Ford Mustang California Special, this GT/CS also shares a special relationship between original owner John McGilvary and current owner Johnny Johnson.As the owner of several collectible Mustangs, Johnny Johnson was certainly aware of the Shelby-style rearend on the faded blue Mustang sitting in a shed less than a mile from his home in Alpine, Utah. Spotting the hardtop roofline, he quickly realized it was a '68 California Special, not a Shelby. He just never took the time to stop for a closer look. It wasn't until friend and restorer Armond D'Agostini introduced him to the owner that Johnny discovered this GT/CS was truly special indeed. In addition to being one of only three California Specials built with the 428 Cobra Jet engine, it was still in the possession of its original owner, John McGilvary, who bought the high-performance hardtop shortly after landing his first job in late 1968. Based on their love of Mustangs, Johnny and John struck up a friendship, one that would eventually lead to a change in possession and the restoration of the rare CJ GT/CS. So how did McGilvary end up with one of the rarest of all performance Mustangs as his first car?

Photo Gallery: 1968 Ford Mustang California Special - CJ Special - Mustang Monthly Magazine

Photo Gallery: 1968 Ford Mustang California Special - CJ Special - Mustang Monthly Magazine

1968 Ford Mustang California Special - CJ Special | Digg It | Add to

Lire la suite : http://www.mustangmo...nia_cj_special/

#2 franckgras


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  • Mustang:Fastback 68 289 2V

Posté 10 October 2012 - 04:42 PM

Pas mal!!!
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"La théorie c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons réuni theorie et pratique: rien ne fonctionne et personne ne sait pourquoi." Albert Einstein..........

#3 Olive 74

Olive 74

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  • Location:France Savoie haute (033,74)
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  • Mustang:BOSS 302 de 70, Coupé GT de 66 & Coupé 68 épave

Posté 15 October 2012 - 12:39 PM

Pas mal!!!

oui ca doit pas courir les rues ....
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BOSS 302 de 70
Coupé 66 GT
et Coupé 68 épave ............

@ + sur les routes de montagne
Chuck Norris Dit " RIRI"

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